LGBTQ Voices @ MiQ: Phil Tan’s Story


LGBTQ & Ally Voices of MiQ is an interview series that’s part of our Pride celebrations. In this blog, we’ll hear from MiQ people who are in different roles, in different countries, with different experiences. They’ll tell us about their story, how they’re celebrating Pride and what it means to them. This is just one of the ways we’re supporting the LGBTQ+ community and raising awareness. It reflects how far society has come, but how far we still need to go.


Name: Phil Tan
Pronouns: He / him
Region: Canada
Role: Account coordinator
Sexuality: Gay

Do you have a favorite Pride memory?
My first Pride experience was in Manila. It was small, but knowing there was more visibility in my own country gave me a lot of courage. When it comes to my favorite memory, that has to be here in Vancouver. The parade by English Bay was such a beautiful experience.

What does LGBTQ+ Pride mean to you?
It means recognizing the work that came before and the people that got us to where we are now. It means being seen and accepted. And it means loving and celebrating our differences. It’s inspiring to see so much resilience. 

What has an LGBTQ+ role model taught you?
I really like what Yuval Noah Harari says about attention. He essentially says that ‘you can’t understand what’s happening today in the world with the attention economy if you don’t observe what’s happening to your attention every moment.’

How have allies supported you in the past?
When they see me more than ‘just’ a gay person. Being gay is an important part of who I am, but it’s just one part. 

What advice do you wish you had growing up and what would you say to a young LGBTQ+ person now?
Live with love, an open heart and an open mind – not with fear. Don’t let society’s expectations determine your life or how you feel about yourself.
